
The Kenya National Fire Brigade Association (KENFIBA) is the national peak body in Kenya supporting and representing the fire protection and safety. The Association was established in the year 2002 by Fire fighters countrywide and is registered at Sheria House, under “Section 10” of the laws of the republic of Kenya.


  • Develop policies on issues which affects our members and through their employing authorities, the service, working in partnership with other stakeholders in order to influence public policy issues opinion in Kenya, Africa and International communities.
  • Continuously improve the professional standards of our  members and help attain high level, expertise and effectiveness by developing the knowledge, skills and understanding to ensure competence and
  • Provide range of service for our members.

Management Board

Athman Bacha – National Chairman

Suleiman M Abdalla – Assistant National Chairman

Francis Amollo Liech – Secretary General

Benedict M. Khamasi – Assistant Secretary General

Nelson Kikame -National Treasurer

Kennedy Kiboi – Assistant National Treasurer

Dan Obala – Organizing Secretary

Benard OmwonoCEO